BROSETA participates in XXIV National Congress of Health Law
On the 19th, 20th and 21st of October, this year’s edition of the National Congress of Health Law was held in Madrid, sponsored by the Spanish Association of Health Law.
During the Congress, which had the Honorary Presidency of Their Majesties the King & Queen, and was attended by about 500 professionals related to the legal-health area, there were debates on current issues in Health Law such as the impact of Artificial Intelligence and nanotechnology on medicine and law; Professional Liability insurance in the current scenario; lack of responsibility for health policies; extrajudicial alternatives to health conflicts, and the new public procurement bill, among others.
Miguel Geijo, a partner of BROSETA, Director of the Commercial Law area, as well as the Life Sciences team of the Firm, and Secretary of the Association of Spanish Professionals of Privacy (APEP) participated in the discussion table on the problem of the new European Data Protection Regulation in the health sector, together with José Amérigo, General Technical Secretary of the Ministry of Justice; José Luis Piñar, Professor of Administrative Law, and Mar España, Director of the Spanish Agency for Data Protection.
Health Law is one of the subjects that has increased importance in the last 25 years, placing itself in a central position within the set of legal regulations offered by the Social State model.